Introduction to Basic Legal Citation:
e-book versions
and "Citing ... in brief" videos 

e-book versions

Despite the availability of the online version, many users of this reference have been drawn by the convenience of having it as an e-book on their own tablet, laptop e-book reader, or phone.

Two e-book versions of the guide are available. The first is a pdf file which can be downloaded to readers, phones, tablet and other computers that are capable of loading and navigating large and richly linked pdf files.  (Not all e-book readers that claim to handle pdfs allow the reader to follow internal links or can handle a file of this size and complexity. This one weighs in at 1.7 MB.)  The second, offered as a convenience to those who would like to install the reference directly on a Kindle or Kindle app, is a version offered through the Kindle Store at the minimum price Amazon will allow ($.99). To obtain it there, click here (but also see below).

While downloading the pdf version from this site carries no charge and installing the Kindle version from Amazon costs only $.99, please consider making a donation to the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School in the amount you would pay Amazon for a comparable study guide or reference work. To do so, click here.

Peter W. Martin

"Citing ... in brief" videos

A complementary series of "Citing ... in brief" video tutorials offers a quick start introduction to citation of the major categories of legal sources. These videos are also useful for review.

Currently, the following are available:

  1. Citing Judicial Opinions ... in Brief (8.5 minutes)
  2. Citing Constitutional and Statutory Provisions ... in Brief (14 minutes)
  3. Citing Agency Material ... in Brief (12 minutes)